Sunday, November 9, 2008

Welcome, Welcome!

Hi Sisters,
We welcome you! It's been exciting to create this blog. The hope is that this blog will provide opportunities for learning and growth. That is a pretty broad spectrum, so the opportunities are endless.
We are still creating and improving this blog, and if you as a sister have any insight or suggestion feel free to leave comments. {you do that, by clicking on the post a comment link at the end of each post}
We want to know what your literacy needs are or what you are interested in learning.
So you have an idea of what literacy needs could be, the following may be considered literacy needs: learning computer skills, completing a job applications, writing a personal history, and developing good study habits. Literacy needs are not limited to this list, this is just to give you examples.
If you have any talents or skills that you feel may help the sisters in the ward, please let me know.
You can email me with questions here:

'When we have knowledge and wisdom, we are better able to discern truth from error and make good choices. Education and literacy are also keys to encouraging personal growth, preparing for suitable employment, building strong families, serving in the Church, and making a meaningful contribution to the society in which we live. “We live in a world where knowledge is developing at an ever-accelerating rate. Drink deeply from this ever-springing well of wisdom and human experience.” —Gordon B. Hinckley, Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley (1997), 171'*provident living
We encourage you too:
Study the scriptures and other good books.
Improve reading & writing skills.
Take advantage of opportunities to gain more knowledge.


Anonymous said...

Cindy B! You are so AWESOMELY RAD! What a legacy to leave for our Hinesville Ward sisters. We will always have this to look back on with the fondest of memories. I think it is absolutely perfect because you are absolutely perfect!! Love Heidi R

Tara Priddis said...

I love this blog, it's great. I'm excited to see what people have to say and share. Thanks for coming up with this great idea Cindy!

Anonymous said...

This is a great ideal. I Love this blog. Thanks!