Sunday, January 18, 2009

Relief Society Lesson Schedule

January - April 2009
{Hinesville Ward’s Relief Society Lesson Schedule}
*January. 18, 2009: Joseph Smith Manual-Chapter 26 {pages: 306–14}
Elijah and the Restoration of the Sealing Keys
* January 25, 2009: October 2008 General Conference Ensign
“Sacrament Meeting and the Sacrament”, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
*February 1, 2009: Relief Society Presidency Message-Sister Watson
*February 8, 2009: Joseph Smith Manual-Chapter 27 {pages 315–26}
Beware the of Apostasy

*February 15, 2009: Joseph Smith Manual-Chapter. 28 {pages 327–38}
Missionary Service: A Holy Calling, a Glorious Work
*February 2009: October 2008 General Conference Ensign
“Come What May & Love It!”, Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
{Ward Conference}
*March 1, 2009: Relief Society Presidency Message-Sister Williams
*March 8, 2009: Stake Conference {Savannah Stake Building}
*March 15, 2009: Joseph Smith Manual-Chapter 30 {pages 349–57}
Valiant in the Cause of Christ
*March 22, 2009: October 2008 General Conference Ensign
“Let Him Do It With Simplicity”, Elder L. Tom Perry
*March 29-Joint Relief Society/ Priesthood Meeting
*April 5, 2009: General Conference {Broadcast in Chapel}
*April 12 2009: Joseph Smith Manual-Chapter 31 {pages 358–68}
“God Shall Be with You Forever and Ever”: The Prophet in Liberty Jail
*April 19 2009: Joseph Smith Manual-Chapter 32 {pages 369–78}
Responding to Persecution with Faith and Courage
*April 26, 2009: October 2008 General Conference Ensign
“Finding Joy in the Journey” , President Thomas S. Monson

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