Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Additonal Ideas for Conference

*In prayers during the weeks leading up to conference pray for speakers and for ability to feel promptings etc.
+always keep Presidency in prayers.
‘King Benjamin’
* Start time: 1 week before General Conference.
Activity: Take the week or FHE to discuss King Benjamin’s Address in Mosiah. {Emphasis how the families faced their tents towards the prophet & discuss why}
Day of General Conference: Pitch tent in front of T.V. & let children watch.
Getting to know Authorities:
*Take photo sheet {from Ensign} w/ General Authorities and review}
+see during conference for continuation-sticker sheet.
Conference journal:
*Activity: For FHE create special journals, for writing promptings & feelings during conference. This can be done by decorating small notebooks or folders.
{discuss with children what they may feel a prompting from the spirit is.}
Get to know your leaders:
*Activity: Highlight one leader during a FHE leading up to conference, so your children can get to know the leaders.
+as they get older you can have them each prepare short information on leader.

During Conference:
*Prepare a picnic {each child can pick an item to be made and help prepare it}
While eating between as a family you can discuss what you felt during the last session.
‘Come listen to a Prophet’s voice party’”:
*Turn one day of conference, into a party.
Decorate, activities, & party food {such as pizza} in between sessions.
{Folder idea} Word of the session:
Put out a bowl of candy and each time someone says the ‘word of the session’ & one of the children recognizes it, they get to take a piece of candy.
{Folder idea} Getting to know General Authorities {cont.}:
* use copies of authorities photo sheet & when one of the authorities speak, place stickers on their picture.

*The Monday after Conference as a family go out for Ice cream and discuss what you like/ how you felt/ promptings you my have had/ or how you can apply it something in your life. {use conference journals}
Family Theme:
*At FHE agree on which talk was most important to you as a family, and make it your theme, till next conference.
{Find ways to apply it in your life during this time}
+also can be done individually, w/ parents checking up on progress mthly.

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