Sunday, March 22, 2009

General Conference for our Children

There is an article in the March 2009 Ensign called 'Preparing our Children for General Conference'. It talks about ways to prepare and help your children enjoy General Conference no matter what age they are. This article gives great ideas!
A website called: Sugardoodle has just come out with a '2009 General Conference packet', which is amazing, that can help teach and entertain primary age children.

“It is when children are young that parents must be innovative in helping them develop good habits regarding conference participation. As our children are given opportunities to observe and learn the role of these special witnesses, they will receive a spiritual confirmation of the sacred calling of their Church leaders, and they will feel a deeper love for and interest in these leaders and their message.” -Elder Neil L. Anderson

13 And all thy achildren shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the cpeace of thy children. -Isaiah 54:13

{You can click on any of the above words and it will take you to the topic: 'Preparing our Children for General Conference', Sugardoodle, and '2009 General Conference packet'.}

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